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5 Things to Discuss with Your Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the thin layer of tissue covering most of our internal organs. It’s most commonly linked to asbestos exposure. Asbestos – a fibrous silicate mineral – was once widely used in construction and various industries due to its heat resistance and insulating properties. However, when its tiny fibers are inhaled or swallowed, they can cause damage to the lungs and other parts of the body, leading to diseases like mesothelioma. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s crucial to seek legal advice. An attorney can guide you through the process and help you understand your rights and options.

Now, when you meet with a mesothelioma attorney, there are several important topics you should discuss. Let’s delve into some of these topics.

1. Understanding Mesothelioma and Its Causes

Before diving into the legal aspects, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of mesothelioma and how it might have developed. While your doctor will provide medical insights, your attorney can connect the dots between your diagnosis and potential asbestos exposure. That’s why it’s crucial to approach experienced asbestos lawyers who are skilled and well-versed in navigating such complex cases.

So, contact a reliable asbestos law firm to get matters sorted on time. Start by discussing your work history and any instances where you might have come into contact with asbestos. For many, this could be a job in construction, shipbuilding, or even certain manufacturing roles where asbestos was used. But it’s not only about direct contact. Maybe you lived near an asbestos mine or had a family member who worked with asbestos and accidentally brought the fibers home on their clothing. Every detail can be crucial.

Your attorney will use this information to determine the potential source of exposure. It’s a vital step in building a case. By pinpointing where and how you might have been exposed, you can identify who might be responsible. It could be a past employer, a product manufacturer, or another party.

2. Evaluating the Strength of Your Case

Once you’ve discussed the potential sources of asbestos exposure, it’s time to evaluate how strong your case is. But this doesn’t mean questioning the validity of your illness but rather understanding the legal grounds on which you can seek compensation.

Your attorney will need to gather as much evidence as possible, which includes medical records that confirm your diagnosis and any documentation that can link your exposure to a specific source. Remember, the more concrete the connection, the stronger your case will be.

Another crucial aspect to discuss is the statute of limitations. It’s a legal term that refers to the time limit within which you may file a lawsuit. It varies from one place to another, and your attorney will guide you on this. If too much time has passed since your diagnosis, it might be challenging to pursue a case. But don’t lose hope; legal professionals often know ways to navigate these waters.

Additionally, think about potential defendants. These are the parties you might hold responsible for your exposure. As mentioned earlier, it could be an employer, a company that manufactured asbestos-containing products, or even a landlord if you lived in a property with asbestos insulation.

3. Compensation and Damages

When you’re dealing with a disease like mesothelioma, there are many costs involved. From medical bills to lost wages, because you can’t work, the financial burden can be heavy. That’s why it’s essential to discuss potential compensation with your attorney.

There are different types of compensation you might be eligible for. First, there are medical expenses. It includes the cost of treatments, surgeries, medications, and any other healthcare needs related to your illness. Then, there’s compensation for lost wages. If you’ve had to take time off work or can’t work anymore because of mesothelioma, you should be compensated for that lost income.

But it’s not just about money spent or lost. Mesothelioma can cause immense pain and suffering. It means you might be eligible for compensation that considers the physical and emotional pain you’ve gone through.

Your attorney will help you determine the potential value of your case. They’ll look at similar cases in the past and the amounts awarded to victims. It’ll give you a clearer picture of what to expect.

4. Legal Fees and Costs

Talking about financial matters can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential to have a clear understanding of how legal fees work. Most, if not all, mesothelioma attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means they’ll only get paid if you win your case. If you do win, they’ll take a percentage of the compensation awarded to you. It’s beneficial because it means you don’t have to pay anything upfront.

However, it’s essential to discuss the specifics with your attorney. Ask about the percentage they’ll take and if there are any other costs you should be aware of. Sometimes, there might be additional expenses, like court fees or costs related to gathering evidence. Make sure you have a clear understanding of all potential costs so there are no surprises later on.

5. Potential Challenges and Litigation Process

Every legal case comes with its challenges, and mesothelioma cases are no exception. It’s essential to discuss potential hurdles with your attorney so you can be prepared.

One challenge might be proving where and when you were exposed to asbestos. As mentioned earlier, the more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. But sometimes, it can be tough to pinpoint a specific source, especially if the exposure happened many years ago.

Another challenge could be the defenses raised by the opposing side. They might argue that your exposure happened elsewhere or that other factors contributed to your illness. Your attorney will help you prepare for these arguments and build a strong case in response.

Lastly, discuss the litigation process, which entails understanding the steps involved in taking your case to court. Your attorney will guide you through things like filing the lawsuit, gathering evidence, and potentially going to trial. It’s essential to have a clear picture of what to expect so you’re prepared for the journey ahead.


Dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis is challenging, both emotionally and financially. But with the right attorney by your side, you can navigate the legal landscape and seek the compensation you deserve. Remember, it’s essential to have open communication with your attorney. Discuss your concerns, ask questions, and ensure you’re informed every step of the way. By doing so, you’ll be in a better position to face the challenges ahead and find some measure of justice in your situation.